Shire of Greyhope Financial Policies General Procedures 1. The Financial Committee for the Shire of Greyhope shall consist of the Seneschal, Exchequer, and all paid members in attendance at an official business meeting. 2. All rules and procedures created to govern the handling of the Shire of Greyhope’s finances shall be contingent upon current rules and regulations of Corpora, Kingdom and civil law. 3. All financial decisions will be made at official business meetings. 4. Financial Policies and Procedures will be reviewed yearly during the month of June. 5. The Seneschal and Exchequer, or their deputy, must be present for all financial decisions. 6. Approval of a proposal will be by simple majority. Only paid members may vote at an official business meeting. 7. The exchequer will require paid members to provide proof of membership and shall maintain a list to ensure proper procedures are followed according to kingdom and society law. 8. All paid members wanting to vote must attend official business meetings. 9. Anyone wanting to review the Shire’s financial documents may contact the Exchequer for a one on one review. The Exchequer will have a copy of the check register at every meeting. Event Budgets & Planning: 1. Autocrat of an event will submit a budget prior to the regularly scheduled business meeting at least a month and a half prior to an event. The budget shall include the $5 NMS fee for all non-members, which is collected at the gate. 2. Payment of over-budget expense would need to be voted on by the shire prior to reimbursement. 3. All expenses must be approved at an official business meeting. 4. For Direct Purchases the check will be made payable to the vendor with one signature already on the check and a second signatory will be present at the time of purchase. 5. Reimbursements of approved expenses will be reimbursed to individuals once receipts are received. 6. Non-Member surcharges will be immediately dispersed without shire approval. This is the only expense that can be paid without shire approval. 7. The event report will be available at the second official business meeting following an event to assure time for all reimbursements to be made. 8. Non-budgeted expenses for an event must be approved and initialed by the autocrat prior to being submitted for review and approval. If the autocrat does not sign off the expense will go against general shire funds. 9. Event admission charges, or complimentary passes, will only be available for Royalty, Royal Family, and Event Staff. The event staff will be named by the autocrat, subject to approval and revision by the Seneschal. The list shall be provided to Troll. Receipt Payment 1. The Exchequer may write a check for approved budget receipts without further consent of the shire. 2. Request for repayment of approved expenses must be accompanied by the original receipt from a valid vendor. Hand written receipts must have contact information for the vendor. 3. Questionable receipts may be brought before the financial committee for approval.