The Shire of Greyhope is a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Based in Lake, Porter and LaPorte Counties of Northwestern Indiana, Greyhope is part of the Midrealm.
The Midrealm, is the third oldest kingdom in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Properly known as the Middle Kingdom, it consists of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, part of Kentucky, a nip of Iowa, and a bit of Ontario.
The Society for Creative Anachronism
The Society for Creative Anachronism is an international, non-profit, educational society celebrating pre-17th century history. It has members who study every aspect of medieval life. We are brewers, archers, calligraphers, heralds, fencers, spinners, blacksmiths, costumers, dancers, cooks and armored fighters. We enjoy feasting, spinning, needlepoint, equestrian, leather work, bead work, socializing, live weapons competition, period music, theatre and much more. If someone did it back then, you can bet someone is trying to do it now.
The goal is to learn through doing. Doing and sharing ones subject knowledge with others. The SCA encourages historical research and recreation, and most importantly: preserving a code of conduct, mentality and philosophy that, in many ways, is lacking in the modern world.